Karen Potter
& Glass Mosaics
Lithography - Linocuts Collagraphs - Etching
Contact Karen: kabem@hotmail.com
telephone: 07591069115
Member of Printmakers Council
bip-Art Brighton
Sussex Women Printmakers Group
The Printhouse Group of Women Printmakers, Urban/Rural Artists Group
Every September I travel to Cleggan, Connemara in Ireland to be a part of Clifden Arts Festival. This brilliant festival has been an annual event for over 40 years and it draws together musicians and artists from Ireland and beyond. West Coast of Ireland is a magical place and the land and sea very inspiring. Just back from 3 months in Connemara. I took my relief press from it's home in East Sussex to a cottage on the wild Atlandic Coast and was inmersed in bog, sea, rocks and seaweed.